This is a scary thing. I have never been involved in blogs, but they seem interesting and a good way to communicate with the world outside your county lines.
I was a confirmed Hillary supporter and when that failed, I decided I would align myself with Obama. Now this new development with the naming of a woman as vp for McCain and I find myself incensed!!! How dare they play on the work done by an intelligent woman like Hillary Clinton and pretend that this young thing has earned the right to be respected enough to be on the republican ticket. And I was actually a old fashioned that believed in the Republican party of the 50's. But now, I find myself defending my political convictions with my Christian friends. I don't know how they reconcile their faith and politics. God said we must care for the earth and we have done nothing less than squander it for our own pleasures. We are told to care for those less fortunate than ourselves, yet the downtrodden of the world continue to live in squallor and tribulation.
Just as long as people let the Spirit work in their lives and direct their votes...perhaps God will continue to bless us with the life we are accustomed to living.