Saturday, August 30, 2008
Labor Day?
I don't know why I always feel compelled to work on labor day. I know I misunderstand the thought behind the day, but I feel guilty if I am idle on that day. So, I am going to be working, but doing work I enjoy. I have discovered that the only way I get to use some of the wonderful designs I own for the embroidery machine is when I make a quilt of designs and use them for the window decoration. What that means is that when I am dead...the girls will have a quilt for every season, holiday and event of the year. This fall I am doing a quilt of fall things on a tangerine fabric. That all happened because I bought a piece of fabric that is stripes of the most gorgeous fall colors. So, I am spending Sat and Mon doing my fun work. Hope everyone else has fun stuff to do this weekend and you enjoy the non labor day.