Wednesday, June 17, 2009

High Hopes

We all have high hopes..for ourselves and for those we care about. For our nation, for our church and for the world. It is how we handle those hopes being dashed that mark a person. So people who do not do as well as they would hope when they have an important event before them can either get upset and blame the world and all around them, get morose and feel they are inadequate, or pick themselves up and dust themselves off and start all over again. I know there is a song in there somewhere. I forget where.
Taking an important test, closing an important deal, keeping a relationship intact, taming a viscous animal, dealing with impossible bosses or customers, failure of those we trust to come through for us. All of those things can cause anguish and distrust and frustration.
Here's the thing. That which we can do something it. That which we can do nothing about...get over it. Knowing the difference is the key. Oh, yes, it was someone important that said that in another way. Well, he was right. Do it or get over it.
For everyone who has a hope dashed, they should remember all the hopes that have come to pass. If it is in your power to fix it.