Friday, November 20, 2009


It's about Thanksgiving and first and foremost I am thankful for computers that have large fonts.  I had my eyes dilated today and can't see much yet, but I can read this font!!  And that makes me happy.
When I was a child, my Dad had built a rock smoker in the back yard.  We didn't barbq on it, but Dad smoked turkeys in it.  It could smoke a couple dozen turkeys at a time.  First he would put them in the garage in big pickle barrels with salt and sugar and I don't know what all, but it seems to me there was salt peter in it, too.  Why would I remember that?  I can just remember the smell.  Anyway, when they were properly cured, he would hang them in the smoker and we would have to be up all night to keep water on the wood to keep it smoking and I remember that being a wonderful time of the year, because I had a chance to sit out in the backyard with Dad all night.  Well, of course I am sure I slept.  In fact, I think he did too, just set an alarm clock.  And it was probably cold so we did not stay outside all night.  But that is what I remember.  It took 2 or 3 days to smoke.  Maybe longer, but he made more than one run at it and did a lot of turkeys, so it may have seemed longer. 
When they were finished, they were not done, they still had to be cooked in the over for a few hours.  But my, did they taste good.  The meat was sort of red, kind of like ham.  I had a cousin that hated turkey and we always told him we put ham on a plate for him and he must have been 40 before he realized it was turkey.  Dad did this for Christmas, too.  Some people had taffy pulls and some make pies, but Dad did turkeys and he did them until a year or two before he died.  I did not know what a roasted turkey tasted like until I was married and made my first turkey in my house.  I still would like a taste of smoked turkey and I have purchased them in the past, but they don't taste anything like Dads. 

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Seems very odd to think that Rebecca is going to have a baby.  It seems  only yesterday that she was a baby.  But then it has been 50 years since I was pregnant and though it seems yesterday, I don't think I remember much about it.  So I am going into this new post in life a bit ignorant.  I need to study up to be a great grand mother.   I guess the best thing to learn is to send her to her mother for advice.
Maybe great grandmothers are just supposed to say ah, how sweet and hold them once in awhile.  
The news of the heartbeat this week was interesting.  I learned that new mamas and science think that you can tell the sex of a child by the heartrate.  If that is so, I will be pleased as it must be a girl...according to that litmus test.  But we all know science is inept at determining those things so I will wait until he/she arrives.  I know, the ultra sound should tell the sex soon, but even that fails sometimes.  I remember the excitement at the birth when you were told what the sex of the baby was as soon as it was born.  That was exciting.  Ah, well, I have 6 months to get it together and turn into a good great gran.  One is never too old to learn and I am sure there is a book about babies I can read.
I never had a great grandmother, so I don't know what is expected of us.    Well, I guess Becky and Jason don't have a guide book to parenthood, so they will be learning, too.
It is exciting and I am going to give it a good try.  This baby deserves good parents, good grandparents and good great grand well as good aunts and a great uncle.  We will do our best by this precious child and trust God to lead us in the right direction.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Saturday, I stood on the sidewalk in front of the shop with my little flag and watched the Veterans Day Parade.  First of all, Gladys and Al were not leading the parade in their world war II uniforms.  That was the end of an era and sadly missed.  There were vets in wheel chairs carrying the flag of their units.  The Ft Sill Army band was playing loundly and marching smartly..the mechanised version of the cavalry was there as was the horse drawn caison (sp) and marching units.  It was poignant this year, in the wake of the Ft Hood shootings.  
There were other units evident, but they were not related to the military, except to show their appreciation..which was a good reason to be there.  There were even tractors sporting flags.
It is always a moving day for me, but this year was sadder than usual.  Wednesday, say thank you to a veteran and while you are at it, say thanks to an active soldier.  They appreciate that and seem to be surprised by it, but it is a simple way to show our respect for them.
Thanks to all who preserve our liberty and protect others around the world.

Friday, November 6, 2009


A few months ago I would have been sad and angry and outraged by the wretched shooting at Ft Hood.  Then I would have gone on shaking my head.  But today I have a different perspective.  I am so sad about the men and women who lost their lives and were injured.  But now I am concerned with the families who were affected.  When Tim called and said he had talked to Jason and he was ok, I looked to see what had happened and I immediately thought that God had blessed us in that he was not involved.  Then I began to worry about Becky and how she was dealing with the trauma until she could see him.
I believe she did well, and apparently he arrived home shortly after midnight.  So I am grateful that they are together and well and safe.  But I worry about those wives and children and parents whose husband, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters are not going to come home and those who are still fighting for their lives in hospitals. 
I don't know why things have to touch us  closely before we become totally concerned.  Human nature I suppose.
But I am grateful that our family had a good outcome and I am sad and prayerful for those who did not have that experience. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I find it hard to understand how your body refuses to go to sleep.  Even when it is dog tired and bored, it still refuses to participate in the healing property of sleep. 
Tonight it had better co-operate or I am going to do something drastic, like coming to work.  That should do it.  I become very sleepy when I am supposed to be working, so maybe that is the thing.  Trick it into thinking you have something to do.  I think that is what you do to your mind when you play that game of reciting names of boys and girls by the alphabet to put you to sleep.  Usually it works, but not last night. 
Excuse me, my bed is calling.....


I am still lost in the webworld.  My webhoster is still sending me outrageous bills for hosting my website but has yet to let me in on the secret of the code to let me into my website to make changes.  I think we will be having this battle for some time to come and I am convinced that I will eventually have to ditch the website and build a new one.  Time, I need time.  Either that or I need to find a site builder that will work for less than my yearly income!!
If I can get three uninterrupted days, I think I can do it, but I can't seem to find 3 hours.  I may have to go to the lake and park under a tree so I can't be found.
At least I have discovered that the interactive software I used is still available, for a price.  So I will be able to replicate that page and it is the most popular page on the site.
Well, I will work on that this week and maybe by next week I will be free.  I think I can find a couple of hours Friday afternoon.  Or I may have to go back to work at night for a week.  Dedication and determination...that is what I need.