Saturday, November 14, 2009


Seems very odd to think that Rebecca is going to have a baby.  It seems  only yesterday that she was a baby.  But then it has been 50 years since I was pregnant and though it seems yesterday, I don't think I remember much about it.  So I am going into this new post in life a bit ignorant.  I need to study up to be a great grand mother.   I guess the best thing to learn is to send her to her mother for advice.
Maybe great grandmothers are just supposed to say ah, how sweet and hold them once in awhile.  
The news of the heartbeat this week was interesting.  I learned that new mamas and science think that you can tell the sex of a child by the heartrate.  If that is so, I will be pleased as it must be a girl...according to that litmus test.  But we all know science is inept at determining those things so I will wait until he/she arrives.  I know, the ultra sound should tell the sex soon, but even that fails sometimes.  I remember the excitement at the birth when you were told what the sex of the baby was as soon as it was born.  That was exciting.  Ah, well, I have 6 months to get it together and turn into a good great gran.  One is never too old to learn and I am sure there is a book about babies I can read.
I never had a great grandmother, so I don't know what is expected of us.    Well, I guess Becky and Jason don't have a guide book to parenthood, so they will be learning, too.
It is exciting and I am going to give it a good try.  This baby deserves good parents, good grandparents and good great grand well as good aunts and a great uncle.  We will do our best by this precious child and trust God to lead us in the right direction.