Friday, November 6, 2009


A few months ago I would have been sad and angry and outraged by the wretched shooting at Ft Hood.  Then I would have gone on shaking my head.  But today I have a different perspective.  I am so sad about the men and women who lost their lives and were injured.  But now I am concerned with the families who were affected.  When Tim called and said he had talked to Jason and he was ok, I looked to see what had happened and I immediately thought that God had blessed us in that he was not involved.  Then I began to worry about Becky and how she was dealing with the trauma until she could see him.
I believe she did well, and apparently he arrived home shortly after midnight.  So I am grateful that they are together and well and safe.  But I worry about those wives and children and parents whose husband, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters are not going to come home and those who are still fighting for their lives in hospitals. 
I don't know why things have to touch us  closely before we become totally concerned.  Human nature I suppose.
But I am grateful that our family had a good outcome and I am sad and prayerful for those who did not have that experience.