Monday, August 17, 2009

Being Nice

Sometimes it is just important to be nice. That can't be so hard. It seems we are not nice to the very people we are closest to. I suppose turning on the mean button is easier when we think someone will just forgive it because they love us. But that is not the way it should be. We should be nicest to those we love.
When we find ourselves in situations where people are not nice and kind, we need to figure out what is making them mean. But should we just put up with it? No, they need to be brought to task and explained to that it is painful when our loved ones speak harshly and treat us without dignity. No one should put up with that. Not even when we are old and incapacitated. Of all times to be treated gently and with compassion, that is the time we need it most.
I believe it is our responsibility to watch out for those who are fragile and can't speak for themselves or take care of themselves. We should be on the lookout for any sign that they need help. Family is always ready and willing to step in and rectify the situation. So watch for your elderly and infirm neighbors and loved ones. Be sure they are being treated kindly.
I know that longsuffering is one of the 'fruits of the spirit', but so is kindness, goodness and gentleness.