Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Passing of an Era

The passing of Teddy Kennedy is the end of an era, an era that persons of my age took seriously. It was a call to responsibility for our fellow man and whether you liked the man or not, he was a talented senator and embodied the good and the bad of politics. But he was first and foremost a champion of the underdog and all those who were in need of special care.

I was born and bred a Republican. My Dad was one of the staunchest Republicans I ever knew. But he was a true Republican, not the sort we have today. My first presidential election was the race between Nixon and Kennedy. My Dad did not like or trust Democrats or Catholics. There was not much discussion of choice in our family...except I was married to a yellow dog democrat. I worked for Nixon and when I went to the polls, I voted for Kennedy. There was so much charisma and so much talk about things I thought mattered, I could not check the Republican box. I really did not want Dad to know that and I don't think he ever did. I am not sorry I voted for him. I could not stomach the Nixon campaign and philosophy.

It was a sad day when Kennedy was killed and also when Bobby was killed. I sorrowed when Teddy seemed to be such a scoundrel. But Teddy redeemed himself and became a true statesman. I was always proud of the way he fought for those who were not as privileged as he.
I have voted for a few other Democrats and I don't know if I can ever vote for another Republican. But the best vote is for the man and his compassionate view of the world. I will be sorry to see Teddy laid to rest. He had a long and interesting life. It was often a sad and difficult life, but he persevered and became a great senator. We shall probably not see his like again, but I am glad I was able to observe his work.

Good job, Teddy. Rest in Peace