Saturday, October 3, 2009


I am spending the afternoon completing my study work before heading to Dallas Sun aft for a three day marathon of reading ordination exams.  I always love reading them, but hesitate to be the one that fails a paper.  I know how hard these students have worked to be prepared for these exams, but we are the last bastion against heresy or apostasy.  Well, it isn't that exactly, but we feel like we are the last chance to say, " you don't understand Reformed Theology enough to turn loose on a congregation."  Anyway, it requires a lot of study and reading to be prepared for the job.  I always come away from the week a lot smarter and more humble than when I began.  I am sure those papers I read will be good and have something to teach me.  I am anxious to begin the work and hope all my papers are passing papers.  Good luck writers!!! Keep the readers in your prayers.