Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Family

Besides the obvious, loving Christmas because of the reason for the season...the best part of Christmas is family.  It doesn't even matter if they are there and I am here, I enjoy them so much on this day.  Isn't it great when you give someone a gift that they really love and are excited about.  It doesn't always happen, but when it does it just makes your heart sing.  
Well, I recieved one of those this year and I am just tickled pink by it.  
I can remember my past Christmases and the happy ones always involve family.  It isn't about the gifts or the tree or the is about the family and having a good time together.  Giving a good gift is fun and receiving one that warms your heart is nice..but it is family that makes it special.  
I am grateful that this year I had the pleasure of that gift and also of that family.  Most of them are far away, but with internet, phones and is pretty good.  Waiting for one more to show up and it will be late after a miserable road trip, but I trust God will bring her to me for the final blessing on this day.
Thanks for the baby Jesus and thanks for the family.  Merry Christmas