Monday, July 13, 2009

Hot Hot Hot

Oh, is hot. When it's hot, I get lethargic and cranky. When I should be grateful for air conditioning, I fuss about the few minutes I have to spend in the hot car until it cools off.
Then I see the guys working on the roads and the people mowing lawns and the mail men and I am grateful that I work indoors and have an air conditioned car. I remember the days when we didn't have any a/c and then the great days of swamp coolers when you were cooler and everything stuck to you and smelled musty. But it was great. Then when we married we bought a window unit that was a real air cond. What a deal...we were in hog heaven. Until I forgot to clean the filter and it froze up and no cold air came out until you thawed it out. Got pretty warm by the time that happened. Central air...that is the ultimate. Wonder what they will think of next. I am sure there will be something even better that central air some day. Can't imagine what it will be..but hope to see what they think of next.
In the meantime...I am grateful for my cool air. Very grateful.