It appears that Ike was big and bad, but not as big and bad as first thought. Martha made a safe evacuation and I hope her home comes through it safely as well as the church, but I suppose that is asking for a lot. Grateful to have her our of harms way. Becky was inundated with 10" of rain last night and I can't reach her, so just hope she is ok. How many families are worried about their loved ones today and can't find information about them? I watched the wind and rain off and on all night long and I don't know why anyone would stay through all of that. Kind of like going out in the yard to watch the tornado rip down the street a couple of blocks away. We just can't seem to keep our eyes away from disaster. Maybe it is because we are so glad it isn't us. Maybe we are just curious about how bad it can be. Maybe we are just morbid folks, and maybe it is because we are concerned for others in the midst of trouble. Maybe it doesn't matter...maybe that is just how we are.
Anyway, the big blow apparently took a sudden, tiny turn and saved the coastline from the disastrous surge that was expected. Maybe God just tweaked it a bit and hopes we will find time to say thank you.
"Thanks God."