Good friends are a blessing. We move away from them, we get too busy, we change direction, we lose touch...
But the doorbell rings and though you haven't seen them for a long time, it is like you saw them yesterday. No small talk, no excuses, no recriminations, no fencing....just hugs and talk. Talk about far out subjects. Talk about family. Talk about the world in general. Talk about esoteric matters. As we age, talk about diseases and general health issues, but without morbid conversation, just general information.
Now, that is a good friend. Not that we have many of them in our lives, but the ones we have are precious and need to be cherished. Not that a good friend needs cherishing, they don't expect it or even want it, but when they are gone...there is a big hole in your heart and your life and you wish you had been more cherishing. Then the smile begins and you know that is foolish talk. You cherished them enough or they wouldn't be good friends. So, no recriminations, no do overs, no what ifs, just thanks for the grace they brought into our lives and the grace we extended into their lives. After all, that is grace received, grace given and grace multiplied.