Every once in awhile, a little thing can make your day and make you smile when you think you are having the worst day possible. I went for lunch today at the drugstore and was sitting at the counter trying to decide what to eat. I looked at all the sandwiches, salad, chips, cookies, candy and soup. Suddenly my attention was drawn to a basket with metal boxes that looked a lot like pencil boxes. On the outside of the box was a name I instantly recognized. WHITMAN As I zeroed in on the smaller print, I realized it was a box of 4 chocolates and it was marked down 50%. As usual I looked on the back of the box for a calory count and guess what? Those four cholocates had fewer calories than that pimento cheese sandwich. So, my lunch was chocolates, and I am happier now than I have been for a couple of days.
We just have to know what turns our happy side on and go with it some times. I still have two of those chocolates and will make them last all afternoon. Then I will have a box to keep something in and that box will remind me of the chocolates I enjoyed today. The sandwich might have nourished me, staved off the hunger, but it would never have soothed my soul. God made chocolate and we should use His gifts, wisely. I am grateful for the gift of chocolate.