However it is seems to be a common denominator. I remember as a teenager that the radio was my main source of music. But my time with the radio had to be after school and before Dad came home to listen to the news and things like Amos and Andy. One Christmas my Mother gave me a simply gorgeous state of the art portable radio for my very own. Wow, that was fantastic. I could plug it in or use it on 8 D batteries. It was probably 8" tall, 12" long and 3 or 4 " thick. It had a cute silver antenna that folded down and a handle for carrying. I was in hog heaven. My favorite station in Tulsa played great music like "The Thing", "Little White Cloud that Cried", "Gypsy", "Purple People Eater" was great. I also had a record player and it was a special treat to have a new record. I saved my $2 to buy the 78 rpm single of "Neon Lights" and on the way home, I put it on the floor of the car and my foot hit it and it broke. I was devestated. Before we arrived home, Mother had turned around and took me back and gave me the $2 to buy another copy. My parents did not waste money and they did not let me off for things that were my own fault, but she recognized that for some reason, that music was what I needed to soothe my savage soul that day.
So now we have Ipods that take up less room than the pack of Chesterfields I kept hidden in my Dad's old golf bag in the garage. People seem even more hooked into them than I was to my music. Probably because it would not be possible to carry that old portable around all day. My children had cassette players and 8tracks for their cars. Now it is music on the computer, through the earphones, in the car, everywhere we, music, music.
But still it soothes the savage beast in us. Maybe it stirs it up in some, but for me it is soothing and a way to cope with anything that comes my way. Whatever my mood or problem, music helps smooth the path.
Now that's a big piece of grace as I see it. Everyone needs access to their music. Enjoy...I certainly will take pleasure in your enjoyment as well as my own.