While it is a force to be reckoned with, sometimes technology is a real pain. Talk about losing control...when we give our lives over to technology I think we have given over control to the tecky gods. (I know that is not the proper spelling) I am sitting here with credit cards I cannot run because the machine I use is probably 20 years old and the support people can't even find the instruction book. It is perfectly functional, but technology has outpaced it and I have been forced to buy a new one. So, I did. Except they didn't deliver it and the nefarious place in the sky that takes my information and translates it into money in my bank account thinks the new machine has been delivered and so has shut down my old faithful machine. Now we get to do the old song and dance again when the bank opens monday. That will take another two days and meanwhile my money is of no use to me.
How many computer pieces and IPods and cell phones can we afford to have sitting around in the way before we yell and make someone find a way to recycle electronic stuff. At least an old tv cabinet could be made into furniture. You can find a way to reuse almost anything but electronic gadgets and we seem to buy more and more of them every day. I am feeling overrun by them and suspect new homes will be built with a room in which to store them. Or perhaps a new and progressive business is out there waiting to be born..."eternal electronic cemetaries", where your beloved IPod can rest in peace. It will never return to dust, so it must not have a soul. The technology gods are a soul-less bunch. Heartless, too. I still love my pen and paper.