Having been led to the site that showed the squirrel that held up the ballgame, I enjoyed watching him scoot all over the field and getting belly down and tail up. Cute he was. But it set me wondering. Poor thing, he had no idea where he was and the context of the moment. All he wanted was to find some peanuts and go somewhere quiet to eat them. I can imagine the thoughts that were going through his mind when he saw those giants coming at him dressed in white with a big hand taking a swipe at him. "Where do they want me to go?" must have been running through his mind.
How often do we get in a position that is out of context for us and how do we react. We don't know which way to go and what is expected of us. Put us on our own turf and we know exactly what to do and how to do it. But others enter our turf and don't know how to operate. Are we helpful or do we chase them around like the squirrel, expecting them to read our minds and know how to perform.
Next time a stranger enters our area, we should put ourselves in their place and make sure they are not cute squirrels, but invited guests who have been given the rules of behavior. It seems a lot of problems could be solved.
But then, sometimes shaking up the scene can bring about interesting change.