All of us are too insular. We get very concerned about our lives and forget there are others out there that are not as fortunate as ourselves. That happens in our daily lives, our business lives and our church lives and our community lives. I know I am guilty of not taking the time to find a way to utilize the talents of someone that is not at the top of their game. We all forget to find ways to use the marginilized and they often have the best spirit and happiest attitude. When we don't use them and make them part of our life and or organization, we simply miss what could be the best part of our day. I have a customer that drives us all nuts, but she tries and she wants to be part of this world. If I take time to deal with her and give her credit for something she does or says, I find that I have had a few happy moments that I would otherwise have missed. If I take the time or effort to let someone struggle through a task, I often find that I have slowed down enough to enjoy their success and learn something about them and myself.
The world is tipsy just now, and it makes us all jumpy, but if we would take the time to look at the world through their eyes, we would see a different place. Not that we don't have to be concerned and try to help make things better in this world. Maybe we just need to slow down and let the sun shine through and enjoy the work we do, step by step. Then we will appreciate the world we live in and not take it for granted. Then we will find time to say 'thanks for this world'.
Put on a smile today and find someone to make happy by letting them do a good job that you could have done a lot faster and easier. It will refresh you.