Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Making Time

I have been reading through the Calvin Institutes and have done very well keeping up with the daily readings and being prepared for my Wed discussion group. Not so this week. I had my schedule out of whack for a couple of days and missed reading and then had some things on my mind and did not think I could concentrate. Now, it is two o'clock and my group meets at 5:30 and I have a weeks worth of reading to do and absorb. Calvin is tough enough in the best of times, but I don't think I will make much of a dent in the work left for the afternoon. Trying to read that while sewing is not a good idea. Next week, I will make time for my daily reading. I will not let something interfere with it and will stay on the schedule. I will make time for Calvin next week. Today, I will go to my meeting unprepared and listen to the discussion and try to learn something. When we don't make time for the things we think are important, we slip behind. Important things like saying I love you to someone who needs a hug, giving yourself a few moments of pampering and relaxation, reading and studying, talking to God...all those things we let slip because we get busy. I need to make time for all of that. I need to go read now!!