Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tired of Naysayers

I am weary of whining, complaining and blaming and putting down. I don't care who is to blame. We are all to blame for wanting everything now and not storing away our nuts like good little squirrels. It doesn't matter what is behind us (except that we learn from it) but what is in front of us is pretty much up to us to soldier through. We have done this before and there is no reason we can't do it again. The most important thing is a stiff upper what you can and work hard and not give up. I am pretty sure the markets are being manipulated by those who would like us to be down and out. But Americans don't get down and out. We get up and fight. So we need to be smart, be prepared and have faith. Then we need to be positive. There is a lot to the power of positive thinking. There is nothing but pain in negative thinking.
So....onward and upward. It is amazing how much fun it can be to save a few dollars by smart shopping at the grocery store. It is amazing how good some of those old standbys I grew up eating can taste. It is liberating to say "I don't need this. I will do without"
It is gratifying to know that you are so much better off than others and humbling to say that.
Soooooo, let's not be naysayers...let's put our shoulder to the wheel and put America back on the map of 'can do' people.