Thursday, March 19, 2009


Tomorrow is the first day of spring. At least this year, this is the day. My Mother's birthday is March 21, and she always said it was the first day of spring. Most years it is, but it can be anywhere from the 19th to the 21st. Depends on how long the earth spins, or something like that. Anyway, they have to adjust it every so often.
Mother loved violets and on her birthday a friend who was a nurse always gave her a bouquet of violets from her yard for her birthday. I tried to grow violets in her honor and found to my horror that the little devils grow everyplace. They throw their seeds many feet from their home and soon your entire yard is full of them It never bothered me, but it bothers people who love green grass lawns.
When I was growing up, I didn't have violets available to me on her birthday, but a couple of blocks down the street there was a giant old lilac hedge and Gran and I used to walk down there and cut a big basket of lilacs for her birthday. I still love lilacs and have never been able to grow a lilac bush. One of the girls who sews for me has an old lilac bush and brought me a bouquet of them this morning. The entire shop smells like lilac and I have enjoyed them. It reminds me that it is really spring. Probably the best season of the year. Oh, wait...maybe I said that about the fall. Well, right now I am saying spring is the best season. Enjoy it. Go smell some lilacs or pick a posey of violets. Happy Birthday to my Mother...she would have been 100 on Saturday. Where does time go?