Friday, February 27, 2009

I Can't Believe It!

I absolutely can't believe it. I knew Amy had a blog and I kept looking at it and only saw the first one she did. Now, when I click on Tim or Joey, their new ones come up, so I decided Amy just didn't have time to keep up with one. Since the first one always shows when I bring it up...I guess I didn't bother to look any further. This morning while I was waiting for a ride to Presbytery, I had the computer on and decided to check hers again. To my TOTAL AMAZEMENT, I discovered she has been blogging all this time and I did not know it.
Is that a horrible mother or what? I can't believe I am so silly I did not check it further or even ask her about it. I began to read and it brought me to tears to discover all these things had been happening to her and I didn't know it.
I knew she had been to WOF and as usual enjoyed it. But I didn't realize the impact it had on her. I was sad and happy that God had lifted the pain from her knees for a little time. I was sad that she has that pain and happy that she has the faith to ask God for help. I want her to take care of herself.
I loved the picture of the fireplace and can't wait for the day that she and Tim can enjoy it together. The picture of the bridge just made me cringe and I don't have a thing about bridges. But I know she does and to see what she went over made me glad she has Tim to talk her through it.
I am happy that she has Tim's ordination saved now and yes, I want a copy of it. Hopefully, she will be able to transcribe it sometime.
I knew most of the things she wrote about school, because we do talk. But, I am so proud of her accomplishments and that she is so open and honest with herself. She is my hero and I feel so bad that I have not been reading and responding to her blog. I will do better.
I love Tims and Joeys and now I cal watch for hers. Perhaps Becky and Rachel will honor us with one someday.
But, I can't believe that I missed out on those days I could have been reading Musings from the Moose.