Saturday, February 14, 2009


It is that day of the year to remember who you love. Looks like I don't love anyone this year, because I didn't send cards.
Well, it isn't that I don't love you anymore, it is just that I didn't get out to get cards soon enough and that is due to a sluggish body. It is mended pretty much and the bruises are about gone, but I am still pretty sore. Anyway, I love all the people I loved last year and a few more besides.

Bill, who is part of my soul.
Douglas, who is my firstborn and a special person
Amy, who is my baby, my friend and the light of my life.
Tim, who is my other son and accepts my love and idiosyncrasies with grace.
Joey, who is my soul mate.
Becky, who is the sunlight in my life.
Rachel, who is my joy and source of delight.
Tom, who is my stability and defender.
Jason, who is new to my life but makes Becky happy and thus makes me happy.
Martha, who is the solid foundation of that which I know.
My friends, who are always there when I need them.
These people are all special gifts and I want them for my valentine.