Monday, February 16, 2009


I know, it is still two months away....But valentines is over and I have to change windows so it is now Easter in our shop.
Easter is my favorite, saddest and happiest event in the year. It is the coming of spring, which I enjoy. (I started to say love, but then I remembered Tim's reproach about the word love and I agree that we overuse that word.) There are the spring winds that smell so fresh and the green shoots that bring promise of renewed life. The smells of lilacs and hyacinths and wisteria and the nodding heads of daffodils. It all brings images of vigor and newness and gentleness.
The Easter season is a time of sadness to me because it is unbelievable what the Lord suffered for us. It is unbelievable the suffering that is still going on in the world for religion today. But the joy and gladness of the fulfillment of the prophecy that gives us hope for our lives and certainty for eternity is the greatest joy there is.
So, I enjoy decorating the window for Easter. One window is for bunnies and eggs and flowers and the other window is for a banner of crosses and a vase of wisteria. That window has been a given for many years now. I just need to make something new for it, but don't know what yet. Anyway, the window is being finished and we look like spring.
And as this is Feb 16, Happy Birthday, Doug.