Friday, February 20, 2009

Too much

Here is what I have figured out about the economy. If you want to pass it on the the authorities in DC, be my guest!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am embroidering logos on some shirts and jackets for school sports teams. As I looked at the tags hanging on those shirts, I nearly had a small coronary. $85 for a girls shirt! $65 for a boys shirt! $80 for a windbreaker.....and on and on. Now the schools are not paying for all of these, some are donated by a supporter. Who pays for them is not the point. Since when did any kid need an $85 shirt to play tennis? Why would they think they needed that? I am not saying it is the kids that demanded them either. I don't know about that side of the question. What I am saying is that we condition children to expect the best there is and expect it now. Why not give them a $20 shirt in high school and in college let them have maybe a $50 shirt. When they are pros they can spend all they want, but if they just play on weekends, they could go back to the $20 shirt and spend the rest on saving lives in Darfur or saving for their old age or their kids college. We spend way too much money on things that are not important and unfortunately do not nurture enough spending on those who could use a helping hand. Just maybe we are making a generation that is only concerned with having everything now. I am sure it has been going on for awhile, but I am slow catching on. We just need to teach some responsibility.
Looking at an $85 shirt makes me wish I charged more than $5 for the logo. But I don't. I can sleep.