Sunday, February 8, 2009

Perils of a House

This afternoon I was fixing lunch and turned around to put somethings in the fridge when I went from standing straight up to laying on my back. I am fine. But I learned something. I am very careful not to fall and went to great effort during the ice to stay on my feet. Nothing I fear more than falling and breaking something.
I have a hard time finding shoes that f it and that includes houseshoes. I have a pair of slide on slippers that have never fit, but they are about the best I have found. Well, when you turn around and your foot comes out of the shoe and gets all tangled up with the other foot, the only thing that is going to happen is that you know you are going down and there is nothing you can do about it. Let me tell you, it takes a long time to get to the floor when you know you are going down.
I have a cut elbow, black and blue, a sore head and neck, I think I did my broken toe a mischief, twisted my knee and bruised my hip ....... but I didn't break anything, so it is ok. I threw those slippers out and found something else to wear. Not very comfortable, but maybe I will stay on my feet.
So, watch what you wear on your feet.