Saturday, April 25, 2009


It is no secret that we learn new things every day and for me it is often learning dozens of new things each day. Last night, visiting with Rachel, she said she had decided on her favorite poem. I will post them all on the 30th so I won't ruin it by doing it now. But the last line of her poem sent me to Wickieworld (and other sources) to find the real meaning of 'Mithridates'. I have seen it used in old poetry and it usually means the same as "O God" since Mithra was commonly referred to as a deity, but I did not know that the Mithridates of old specifically referred to the King of Pontus in the 50'sBCE, who was an arch enemy and at the same time friend of the Roman Empire. He seems to have been an unenviable person as he was given to matricide and a paranoia of being poisoned while still a child.
It makes the poem take on a whole new meaning for thank you for the learning experience. My grandchildren are so good to me, they keep me on my toes and present lots of learning experiences for me...and I appreciate it. Well, my children are pretty good about this, too. I also learned a lot about Emily Dickinson that I did not know when I had the privilege of reading the term paper written about the poet.
I think I will know when I get will be when I am more concerned with just me and quit learning. So keep it coming, children, keep me from myself and decline.