Monday, April 27, 2009


Weather, that is a title that will surely grab your attention. It seems to me that living in tornado alley has taken on a whole new meaning. Our alley has been thankfully ignored by tornados of late. It has been a long time since we have had a real scare. Not that I am complaining, but each time the telly guys start going on about the bad weather, I almost don't pay attention. It is always hail, high winds, flood rains and twisters...coming right for you..but they always veer away from us. Other people get it pretty bad, Wichita, Ks had 6 inches of rain last night in a short time and Enid had a tornado a few days ago. But while we used to be in the alley that had several sighted tornados each spring, we have been blessed and the tornados must have found a different path they prefer. I should know what makes that happen, but I don't. But I am thankful for their absence.