Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Can you run out of attention? Interesting article in the NY Times May 5. It talks about being attentive and focused and how your brain cannot do more than one thing well at a time. It works on the theory that the brain's synchronizing mechanism is enhanced by practice and by things such as meditation. They say it is hard for the brain to ignore sounds, such as tv. They recommend using ear plugs when trying to focus in an area when there are many disractions, especially noise distractions. Apparently sight distractions are not as bad.
They think they have identified the fact that attention is a finite resource. So they ask the question, "Do you want to invest your cognitive cash on endless twittering or net surfing or tv watching"?
They say that your brain can process 173 billion bits of information over the course of a lifetime. Man, I hope I don't run out.