Thursday, October 2, 2008


I know it is wrong to hate electronics because where would we be without them. I do remember manual typewriters and carbon paper and mimeograph machines and cutting stencils and ditto machines and wind up phonograph players and radios!!! I really do, and I appreciate the new age of electronics, but just now we are trying to get the cd player, that is hooked up to play outside on the sidewalk, to work. I must admit my frustration level zooms up to above a 10 when it just sits and looks at me and suddenly comes to life as if it will work and then goes dark again. But when it ate the open button and sat with a gaping hole as though laughing at me...that was the end. I will sing to myself!!
I guess I just like things that I can fix. As it is in all of life, I prefer to fix things myself. So, I am going to give it another rest and see if it will have a restorative life saving event.
Now, if it is contagious and my computer becomes infected with whatever bug electronics pass around, I will be really frustrated and go looking for my old typewriter.