Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Need for Civics Class

I was most distubed today when I was told by a woman that she didn't see any reason to vote because only those 5 states would have their votes counted. I asked what states and she replied, "Florida and Ohio and them"
Turns out, she does not understand the electoral college and thought her vote would not be counted and couldn't figure out how only certain states got counted.
Lordy, are our schools that bad? Does the media not understand that people maybe don't know the rules and they would better serve the cause in education rather than pol head talking.
It saddens me. She has a real opinion on the campaign, but did not register to vote, because all this time she thought her vote in Oklahoma did not count for anything.
I for one will be glad for it to be over and maybe we can get back to running the country and letting business take care of itself.
I'm still for Hillary!!