Thursday, October 23, 2008

Girls, take care

There was an article in the Dallas newspaper about retired women. Only they are not retired. They hoped to be and thought they would be ok in their old age, but when the day arrived, they discovered that they had not been at all careful with saving and investing for their future. They live too long, they get paid less, no one cares about them saving for the future and they find they can't afford good care, or a good place to retire to when they can't live at home anymore or work. So they are working as waitressses in places like McDonalds to make enough money to just exist...not the way they want to live, just decently.
So, this is my advice. Look after your finances. Don't let anyone else do it for you. Find a way to put a little bit each week into an account and then invest it and when you are old and maybe alone, you can take care of yourself. If you wait too late to start, you will be wearing a funny chicken hat and cleaning tables. That is a sad state of affairs and I am glad I have a home that is not expensive, and a family and the good health to keep working at what I like to do.
Never thought I would see old women in those kind of jobs. I guess that is what happens when you outlive men!