Monday, January 12, 2009

Eating our Young

Melody is getting an aquarium and we were talking about tropical fish eating their new born. It reminded me of the time Amy had a bunch of gerbils. I heard a blood curdling scream and ran to find Amy throwing her arms around and crying 'he's eating it'. When I looked, there was the male gerbil with a baby hanging half out of his mouth, kicking his feet and you could hear little screams. When we counted, it seems he had eaten 3 or 4 already. I guess he had his fill. Anyway, that was pretty much the end of gerbil production. I think we tried taking the babies out of the cage but we couldn't keep them alive.
I suppose we all eat our young in different ways. Humans do it emotionally most of the time, but the young seem to survive it and grow up to do it to their young. I suppose that is why we are humans and not gods. We are not perfect and just do the best we can. Anyway, it prepares them for the world and maybe the more we chew them up the tougher they are when they face the real world. Well, probably not. I will leave that to the psychology major to discourse.
Anyway, I know it was traumatic for her. I suppose she had nightmares that her Dad and I would go eat her!!!
I am so glad she passed her psychological review for seminary.