Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pity Party

While I am sitting here frustrated at my embroidery machine, I remember that I agreed to tamp down my frustrations. That was with people, not machines. Now it seems I must add machines to the resolution. Behind almost every machine malfunction, there is a human malfunction. And it is usually me. Being frustrated with me is non-productive.
I remember when we were first married, I could not understand why Bill would get so angry with 'things'. He never got angry with people, just things and machines. He would kick and cuss at them as if they cared. Still that is better than kicking and cussing at people. As he 'matured', he did the smart thing....he never let himself get in a position where machines could get the best of him. He just resigned his relationship with them. Now he walks away from them and lets someone else deal with them.
Today, I would like to walk away from this embroidery machine, but unfortunately, there is no one around to deal with it but me. Ah, poor me. Now I feel better. Strange how a one man pity party can make you feel better. Now, if I had a few friends join me, I am sure I would feel much better. So everyone just say "Ah, poor Rosie" and I will be able to continue the day!