Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Resolution

Happy New Year! I am making a resolution for the year. I will not eat licorice!
That doesn't sound too hard. Except it is. A few years ago I discovered that eating licorice will raise my blood pressure.....a lot. So I don't eat it. But I guess I never mentioned it because Santa had help from a couple of my children and I found 2 kinds of licorice in my stocking. I let it sit there fore several days and finally said, "surely I can eat a little bit." Then I had to confess to Doug that I shouldn't eat it at all. It sat there and every day I would eat just a tiny bit. Came home tonight and found it all gone. Seems someone figured out that I am not to be trusted. I guess we all have our demons and mine just happens to be licorice.
I should have known that from when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade. Mother always left a nickle on the clock in case I needed to take the bus to the shop after school. Well, one day, I went home for lunch and as I left I picked up that nickle and went to Gamills store across from the school. In the back, they sold candy and they had so much good licorice. Mother loved licorice too, and we used to go there sometimes and get a few pieces. She loved licorice whips and you have no idea how many licorice whips you can buy for a nickle. I ate them on the way home from school. I have no idea how Miss Ellis (teacher) did not know I had them, because that red headed mean woman knew everything. Anyway, there were too many for me to eat...but if I took them home, someone would find them and I was at least too frugal to throw them away. So I ate them....and got so sick. Of course, Mother wanted to know about the nickle and it didn't take her long to figure it out when I got sick. I remember being in a lot of trouble over that. I never stole money again. But it didn't cure me of licorice. So I still need a keeper when it comes to that and it's a good think that Doug is here to make me behave.
But I promise to do better this year.