Friday, January 2, 2009


Mercy, it was so foggy this morning when I came to work, I almost got lost. At 6:30 it seemed just fine and then in a flash it turned to thick gray soup. Reminds me of life. One minute clear and sunny and the next you find yourself in a fog hoping you remember the way. Tim would make this a good sermon and he is right, there is a way and hopefully I won't let myself get lost.
Since the way to survive the drive in a fog is to be careful, extra watchful, lights on, seatbelt tight, slower going, concentrating and not stopping in the middle of the road...I guess that is the way to life when it gets foggy. The good news is that we always come out of the fog into the sunlight if we persevere. Hopefully, the country will take my fantastic advice and keep on going, watchful and deliberate and with purpose. Here's to a good year to me, to you, to our country.
Hopefully First Presbyterian Church, Duncan, Ok will end the year in the sun with the fog at our backs.