Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Start

It is always exciting to begin a new presidency. This one is exciting for several reasons and I look forward to Tuesday and the activities that come with it. I love the scene in DC during the event and the parties and fol de rol that accompany it all. It will be fun having two young girls in the White House again. Can't wait to see their dog!! It is a new beginning and I only pray that this man will be able to bring hope to the people and let them have a chance to make life better for us all, again. It will be a big challenge and those who lived through the depression in the '30s know that we must not go down that road again. Everyone must learn not to want everything right now. We have become a nation of stuff. People just have stuff...stuff they don't need, can't afford and don't even want. It is just natural to go out and get stuff. Must break that addiction for the country and find ways to bring pride in work, pride in family and pride in self back into the population. Self esteem is great, but national esteem is what will get us back on track, when we are more concerned with our country and our fellowman than with ourself.
Did not mean to sermonize, but am excited to see if he can pull it off. My prayers are with him as are my hopes.