Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The World Is A Changin'

It seems when things become different around us, we become quite defensive and self absorbed. It takes a long time for us to adhere to the changes and we can be very resistant people. BUT, change is all around us.
Business changes every day and those who don't watch for those changes can be turned upside down before they know it. I have a hard time watching for those changes and sometimes I miss them and have to hurry to catch up.
Technology, which is difficult for old people, is so important. If we don't take advantage of it, we are writing ourselves out of the modern world. I wonder how prolific Shakespeare would have been if he had the advantage of a computer instead of a quill pen?
Religion is an area where it is really hard to execute change. We just like our old time religion and don't want it messed with. But, I think the children in the wilderness and the apostles, ages later, swam in a sea of change and went with it.
Politics we really don't like changing that. Once a democrat always a democrat or vice-versa. It is difficult to change perspectives on that part of our lives. But, we don't always have to make a dramatic switch in thinking, sometimes it is just a modification of a single thought that can bring us into the world as it is today.
Anyway, the world, she is a changin' and if we don't change with it, we will be doomed to the rubbish heap of mediocrity.