Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I am off to a Committee on Ministry meeting for the Presbytery later today in OKC and I am going to have Doug drive for me. I went to the opthamalogist yesterday because I just am not seeing up to my expectations and I was a bit concerned that it was turning bad. As it turns out, it is worse than it was in Oct, but it is still in the dry stage which means I am not going blind in the next few weeks. That is a very good thing to know and I am grateful for that and for the information I managed to glean from him. Seems Drs just tell you what THEY think you need to know and forget that some of us NEED to know more. So now that I know that it can get worse and stay in the dry stage (I think of that as the safe zone), I won't get so panicky when it gets worse and I have more difficulty doing the things I want to do (like close up, intricate work..reading in low light..overusing my eyes). I guess it is 'just learn to deal, lucille'.
Doug will take me, not because I can't drive, but after that light they use to take the picture of the back of the eye effectively blinds me for a couple of days and I don't think I am a safe driver until the effect goes away. He is a good guy to go and just sit and wait and not complain until I am finished. He takes Dad for his meeting in OKC, so he is good for that.
I know I am not a really good driver now because I can't focus both eyes quickly as well as I used to be able to do that. Around town is ok because there is not all that traffic from so many directions. But I suspect city driving should be out.
Well, enough whining. Just update. Eyes worse, spirit better. Good thing is they may get to a stage and stay that way for a long time. Or not. Anyway, eye vitamins with zinc are supposed to be useful and I do take them each day.