Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I woke up early this morning to the rat-a-tat-tatting on my window and knew we would be in trouble when the sun rose. Sure enough, we had piles of sneet. Oklahoma version of snow and sleet. We had freezing rain late yesterday so were expecting some more of that. But, my goodness...sneet can really freeze up a car..windows, doors...not just frozen shut but in a deep layer of stuff.
Doug took us to work and I dealt with the 3 customers that came in and the one on the phone and looked up after lunch to see it coming down pretty thick. I thought it was supposed to end this morning, but I think it just started. So....I left a sign on the door and a message on the phone and had Doug come pick us up and a good thing, because it was getting slick and deep.
Now I am home enjoying surfing the internet and reading and whatever. No...no laundry..no cleaning..none of that stuff. A snow day is supposed to be fun and since it doesn't seem reasonable to risk my bones playing in the snow, I can enjoy it from inside.