Monday, January 26, 2009

Toes and things

Friday I was taking some shirts from the display counter for a customer and when I slid the door open, it fell off and dropped straight down onto my foot. Well, toes actually. It landed square across my toes and I jumped around and danced a bit and whimpered some. I have had several broken toes in my life, so I pretty much know what to expect. The first thing is that Doctors laugh at you and tell you it will hurt for awhile and pat you on the head. So, don't bother them. By Sunday morning I knew which one was in next to little toe was black and the middle one was purple. But, since it was the next to little one, I can walk pretty good. However, yesterday as I was teaching Sunday School, I was standing up and when I shifted my weight (or changed leads) I sort of rose up on my toes and that set off a chain of whimpers and gasps. At least it garnered me some sympathy and gave me a couple of minutes to think about the particularly dicey question that had arisen. So where am I going with this ridiculous story? It makes me know that God uses everything in our life. Without that broken toe, I would surely have given a stupid answer to a difficult question. As it was, I had time to reflect and provide a more reasonable "I am not sure, let's talk about it" answer. And, we came up with what we think is the right answer.
So, I guess I should be thankful for my broken toe, but I am sure that He could have thought of another way to shut my mouth! Ah, the theologians will say, it is making use of the tools at hand.
I really must get to work and quit this babbling.