Friday, September 26, 2008


Here I am, all strung out over things I don't need to string out over. Just need to prioritize, organize and agonize. Perhaps I should leave out the last 'ize'.
I wonder why we let ourselves get all worked up and in a panic over things we just need to either do, put off or let go of.
So, work needs to be done today and I will make a list of those things I have to do, should do and can put off.
Then I will wait for Martha and figure out what to do once she gets here, no sense in making 5 contingency plans as I am sure none of them will work out like I think.
Then I will put off my preparations for reading week, because I have a few days to accomplish that task and need to have my wits about me and my full power of concentration.
I will put off until saturday night my sunday school lesson preparation because I can get it done in one evening.
I will call Tom again to wish him happy birthday, since I missed him early this morning.
I won't bother the family with phone calls or emails unless it is really important, as they will get in touch if there is trouble or great joy.
Already it seems more manageable. I think I will make it!!