Monday, September 29, 2008


I guess I always thought that I could survive anything if I could see well enough to read. I still think that. Today Bill had cataract surgery, allowing him to have very good vision in both eyes now. It is possible he may not need glasses anymore, but I think he will. Still his eyes are better than they have been for 50 years.
I wish my cataract surgery had been that successful, but then I have a different problem with my eyes than he does. Still, what I can see, I see clearly...not blurry like with cataracts. I will probably always complain about mine and the added information that I am in the process of macular degeneration keeps me grateful for the vision I have. If the macular stays the dry variety, I will be ok. If it moves to the wet kind then we will have a big problem, so I am hopeful and trusting that it will not become wet.
If you cannot see you miss the sunsets, the beautiful smiles, the colors of the flowers, the pictures of exciting events of your loved ones lives.
However, with technology as it is, I know you can hear books and tv can be enjoyed without seeing. Guide dogs are great and I suppose it would be a new adventure. Still, I hope I don't have to deal with it, but I know it would not be the worst thing in the world. So I will be happy and grateful for what I have and thank God for his blessings.