Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Internet Purchase

I don't buy a lot on the internet, but sometimes I have no choice and that seems to happen more often than not. Given a choice of the box store north of town and the internet, I will choose the later.
The boom box we got last Christmas for the shop broke a month or so ago. Now that I want music on the street for the holidays, I don't have any. I ordered a cd player that I think will work with my speakers, but I haven't seen it yet. The girls remember I did place the order, but I can't find any record of doing that. I always print out a confirmation and if I did I can't find that. So, do I get another one so I will have it for this weekend? If I do, surely the other one will arrive the next day. If it does, then I will have a spare when the next one breaks. I don't like buying from the internet, but it is better than the box store. I need to get with the program and live in this century, I guess. My, life was easy when I could just go to Kresses, Lintzes, The Dixie and Western Tire. Pretty restricting, but easy. Cash on the barrel head for anything they had. If you didn't find it, you did without. Good shopping