Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hey, I lost my color!! What's going on here? I should change the title of this blog to TECHNOLOGY IDIOTS!!
Why do the things that are always on your screen, suddenly disappear and where do they go and how do you get them back? I know the experts say that old(er) people should make a point of learning new things each day or week to keep the neurons in their brain firing and working well. Perhaps I need to go to school to learn about computers and then my brain will be healthier and it will be useful.
This is really making me mad, so before I blow all this grace stuff right out of the water, I am going to spend the rest of the morning finding out how to fix this little problem. In the grander scheme of things, this is but a tiny irritation; but on my scheme of things, this is a big irritation.
Tomorrow you will know how successful I have been.