Saturday, November 1, 2008


Either I am vindicated about my stand on Halloween or I have unprecedented influence over those with whom I come in contact!!!
Since neither my daughter or my granddaughter like Halloween, I would like to think it is my undeniably strong leadership qualities that can convince others to believe as I believe.
Happily, I think they are just smart people who can make up their own minds and are just smart enough to understand the silliness of the day in question.
So, I am not influencial, but at least I am smart.
As this is All Saints Day, I was hoping to qualify for that. Oh, wait...maybe you have to be dead.

I was hoping that perhaps I had the great ability to influence some votes. But I believe I would fail that test.
So here is something about which all will agree. Tomorrow, don't forget to sleep an extra hour. Now, I feel influencial.
Happy end of daylight savings time.