Friday, November 21, 2008


I wonder why we are all in such a mess. By all, I mean all that I seem to be involved in. The state of the economy in this nation, the church I worship in, the town I live in, the shop I work in, the family I live in. Maybe it is because of leadership. Lack of good leadership results in lack of confidence and lack of confidence results in a mess. That would make me squarely to blame in 4 of the 5 messes I look at now. Ouch. I guess I can fix my four and do better at leadership, but I don't want to take the blame for the country. Good leadership means instilling confidence and guiding people to faith and trust in that leadership. Ok, I did my best at church...maybe not. Maybe I was not willing to be disliked any more than I already am and did not want to do the last final big act that might have made a difference. Lack of trust in myself is what stopped me from that act. In the shop, I sat back and did not want to anger anyone and correct their behavior and lack of faith in my decision to act is what stopped that act. I am just worn out from being on the 'wrong side' of decision making that stopped me from an act that might make a difference in town. Being honest about what I want to do with my time might keep me from being frustrated about not being somewhere or doing something to keep a family member happy with me.
The big thing here is not wanting anyone to be upset with me. Not caring about what people think is a big problem. So look out world!! I am through with all the pussyfooting about. It is time to stand up and be counted. I am not so old that I don't matter. I have valid opinions and am lots smarter than many. My rights and wishes and needs count for something, too.
I am turning a corner. I will trust myself to know that I am doing the best thing and then do it. I know God gave me brains to use and it is time to use them.
Don't worry, none of this is about is about others. All will be well. Just needed a little pep talk! Have a wonderful day and do what you know is best to do. You are the best judge of it all. God will keep us going straight if we listen.
Do you hear that Washington? Pay attention.