Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Grand Committment

I noticed that the reading of John Calvins "The Institutes" is to begin Jan 1. I have never read the institutes, I know their importance and the significence of them, but I have never read the 2 book writing. So I will join others on the Princeton Theological Seminary website and begin the reading. I found a copy at Amazon on sale for $50 and I had a $25 gift certificate so got the two books withfree shipping at a $60 savings. Now I am committed. You read (you can actually listen online) each day except Sunday and Christmas and finish by the end of the year. There are papers written each week by scholars and you are invited to leave comments anytime. So there is no excuse and I hope I can encourage others to join me and we can have a weekly discussion group. Aaron had encouraged each of us on COM to read it this year, but he didn't tell us about this opportunity.
I will be reading and hopefully understanding. It is a good thing to use your mind. Use it or lose it and I can't afford to lose anymore of it. Good Sabbath