Thursday, December 4, 2008


I have spent a lot of time in the past months deciding what my happiness IS. It is not having lots of money, it is not having lots of friends, it is not having lots of energy, it is not having lots of all those things I always thought I needed to be happy. It is simply being alive and having peace. All those other things may make me happier for awhile, but being at peace seems to be the one thing that you have to have to be happy. So, I am at peace with God, with my family, with friends, with myself. My only roadblock to peace seems to be in the church. That is ironic. That is where peace should abound. So to acheive peace there, we may have to participate in some upheaval. When that peace is accomplished, I look forward to more complete peace. But probably when that time gets here, there will be something else to threaten my peace. May Christmas bring peace to all I love and even those I do not love. If ever there is a time for peace it must surely be Christmas.