Saturday, December 6, 2008


Today was our Scout troop's pancake day. It is amazing how many people show up for that event. There are two big troops in town, ours and the Methodist and they each have a pancake day and they are always good. Today the pancakes were delicious and it made me wonder why restaurants can't make good pancakes. We don't have one place in town that can make a decent pancake and that is frustrating because it is one thing that I eat on my diet that satisfies me. Anyway, this year they were good and the bacon was good, but Bill says the sausage was cold and it was so gray I wouldn't have eaten any even if it had been on my list. All in all, it was fine. Why don't I make my own pancakes? Never have been very good at that. Always see lots of folks and that is nice. This afternoon is the Christmas parade and I have my music playing on the sidewalk and the sun is shining and I hope it will be a good day for the kids.